Senseless Violence Decreases A Child's Step
Kicking about in the placenta
And in a knot he eventually curled
The ceasing of his existence
To the senseless violence of the world
At mealtimes, I recall his laughter
Not to mentioned, the sloppy mess
His first step, his first tooth
Oh yes, memories so priceless
To know my child, was to love him
An undeveloped angel in physical sight
He sometimes would drive me crazy
But more so, to my life he brought sweet delight
It's hard to understand what happened to my child
But in the Lord I do confide
My love for my child surpasses all boundaries
From the depths of my soul inside
Please recall when you were young
And the admission to camps were free
Playing in the REC. centers
Oh yes, they too were abundantly
Education use to be of value
And the Lord was in the midst
Now our schools are engulfed with violence
And prayer doesn't exist
I miss my child, and you know
At times I still do cry
But I know God for myself
No longer do I ask why
This concludes my story
That God laid on my heart
My Savior,
Makes no mistakes you see
Our encounters he knows from the start
Author: Janet D. Griffin
The Kevin L. Cooper Foundation is a program dedicated in saving the lives of Youth through various programs:
• Mentoring/Tutoring
• Advocate for the Youth
• Summer Camp
Summer Connect Program and Youth Day Celebration Festival